What to say instead of sorry? 05 alternative way!

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I’m sure you all will agree that apologies are an inevitable part of our life. I mean as much as we don’t want to say sorry. We cannot even avoid them, because they are such an important part of our life. Whenever we say sorry, we only say it with the endeavor of the person, who, whom we are apologizing, we expect them to.

Accept our apologies and believe what we are saying don’t you think so. If that is what we are looking forward to then we also need to make our sorry interesting. Now how is it that we can make our sorry effective and interesting? To make that happen we need to learn alternatives to saying “I’m sorry”.

Let’s go ahead and see the various alternatives of saying What to say instead of sorry? 05 alternative way! Because we cannot avoid it.

My apologies

The first one and of course a very formal, very refined, and robotic is my apologies. My apologies are more so used in a formal context. So, my apologies when you’re saying my apologies, it just means that, okay I am sorry and I will not do this again. So, it’s sort of more of a formal way of saying I’m sorry. It’s more so used in a business context or official context. You can say that if that is what the situation demands well then go ahead and use it.

Pardon/pardon me/ I beg your pardon

Pardon me or pardon or I beg your pardon, this is yet another way of saying I’m sorry. It is more so used in a formal situation. It is less of an informal more of a formal and refined way. Pardon me asks the offended or the wrong person to excuse your mistake.

So, it’s like I’m asking you to excuse me for the mistake that I have done to you. or if I wronged you, I’m asking you’re sorry for that. So, it’s a more formal way, a more official sort of a way of saying sorry. You can use it if that is the situation that you are in well then you see you can use it.

Excuse me

The next one is to excuse me. Excuse me again is yet another formal way of saying sorry. It’s more so used for interrupting somebody. So, let’s say if somebody is coming your way or if somebody’s saying something and you want to interrupt them politely that is when you say excuse me.

But yes, you could also use it sarcastically depending upon the situation and depending upon how you wish to use it. It is a polite way, but then you might also say it if you’re committed to a social no-no. So, it’s like if you don’t want to sort of, you know somebody’s coming your way and you just want to go smoothly rather than excuse me. So, it’s like you’re just being polite. So, it’s more from a perspective of being of interrupting somebody or making way for yourself.

Oops or Whoops

This is a very informal way. You can say saying sorry, oops my bad, oops I made the mistake. So, it’s like the moment you realize that you’re the one who made the mistake. That very moment you’re like oops or whoops. But again, it is very informal. You should not be using it in a very formal situation.

For example, if you spill a glass of water, you might use an explanation for of chagrin of your mistake. So, it’s like the moment you realize it you’re the one who made that, oops oh my god I did it. So, it’s like it’s a very informal expression of saying you’re sorry.

My bad

My bad is yet another more so informal way of saying sorry. So again. it’s like the moment that you realize that you made the mistake. My bad, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that, my bad. So, it’s like my bad is an informal way of saying I’m sorry. It’s like the moment you realize you made the mistake my bad.

That’s when you say my bad. So, when somebody says my bad, they just mean that they have realized that they’re the one who has made, they’re the one who has made the error, who’s made the mistake. That is how you can say my bad, I mean, I shouldn’t have done that, so it’s like another way of saying I am sorry.

I’m sure all these alternatives of What to say instead of sorry? would have helped you a lot because day in day out whether we like it or we don’t like it we need to say sorry we cannot avoid it.

Also read: How to think more creatively

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