How To Create A Profitable Email Autoresponder Sequence?

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The Importance Of Create A Profitable Email Autoresponder

First things first, you need to know why an autoresponder is so important. An autoresponder is a tool to help you communicate with your subscribers and distinguish who the buyers are within your email audience. People decide whether or not to be buyers based on the relationship developed by the sequence of emails you send out to them.

With the autoresponder, you can schedule a time that emails are automatically sent out, and you can control their content far in advance. This way, you can provide useful information in a timely way that isn’t overbearing to the customer. If you email them too frequently, or even too infrequently, you can lose their trust altogether. On the contrary, if you are sending out valuable content to your subscribers, they will eventually notice and view you as a valuable authority on your service. The most fundamental feature of autoresponders is their consistency, which is key in building any relationship.

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Another great thing about the autoresponder is that it saves you a whole load of time. As an entrepreneur, you know that the expression “time is money” is an absolute truth. If you waste time sitting in front of a computer writing new emails every week or even every day, that’s time that can be spent attending to other aspects of your business.

Autoresponders give you the chance to get all of that communication stuff out of the way so that you can focus on everything else you need to do to make your business prosper. They’re extremely convenient, time-saving, and most importantly, money-saving.

What Type of Autoresponder Software to Use?

Now, this brings us to what type of autoresponder software you should use. There’s a number of different software out there, but there’s one that stands out as the most efficient and beneficial and that’s Get Response. Why is Get Response often considered to be the best autoresponder to use for campaigns?

Well, with the free trial alone, Get Response offers an impressive amount of features that trump those offered in the exceedingly stripped free trials of other autoresponse software. With the free trial of this particular software, the features include:

  • A variety of personalization features to best tailor your autoresponder to your unique preferences and needs
  • Unlimited message length and changes
  • Up to 5 follow-ups
  • Anti-spam filters
  • Unlimited autoresponders
  • Automatic delivery within 30 seconds following a new “subscriber” request
  • Mailing list management that makes it easy to send out emails to your entire list
  • Administrative control panel that is password protected
  • Tracking that will help you determine what is getting you the most responses
  • An extensive database that includes all of your prospects, actions taken, and how you are progressing.

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If you want even more features than what is available with the free version, you can purchase GetResponse Pro. The features included are:

  • Up to 19 different autoresponder domains to choose from
  • “Visual Postcards”
  • Unlimited autoresponders (just like with the free trial)
  • Unlimited follow-ups
  • “Popup Creator,” which is handy for creating pop-up ads that cannot be blocked
  • “Pay Per Subscriber” list-building service
  • “This-Instant Follow-Up,” which allows people to receive the next message in your sequence without waiting
  • “HTML Smart-Converter”
  • “HTML Snap-In Form Wizard” for creating forms that fit both your autoresponders and websites
  • Advanced tracking to identify what autoresponders are working best
  • Blacklists for blocking unwanted domains or emails
  • Automatic removal of hard bounces from your list (just like with the free trial)
  • Regular activity reports
  • 500 free ad exposures
  • 7 bonus gifts for free

Most people pick Get Response for its user-friendly interface and its wide variety of features available. You can choose from over 350 templates or simply create your own using a blank template. You can even use your own photos or choose free ones from iStock’s catalog that includes over 1,000 samples. You can also create surveys and web forms through the software as well.

Another plus for using this particular software is the help and support you receive. Techs are available via chat and telephone and are known for being quick to assist you. Additionally, you have access to plenty of materials when you need help and support, including FAQs, video tutorials, webinars, and more.

Overall, with so many benefits, GetResponse is one of the best autoresponder software products you can implement into your online marketing campaign. By doing so, you can potentially turn your prospects into profit.

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How to Structure Your Email Sequence to Sell?

Create A Profitable Email Autoresponder 2

Now to shift gears a little bit, we are going to discuss how to write and set up a profitable automated email sequence. The most common issue that has come up in the online marketing community is the unresponsiveness of email lists. When you send an email to your list, there is a portion of your list that will open your email advertisement.

For beginners, this rate is only about 20 percent. But if you utilize the right communication techniques and tone to advertise to your ideal customer, you will increase this rate and ultimately make higher sales. But before you embark on creating email advertising campaigns you must come to terms with the realization that you are advertising to an individual with dreams and aspirations just like yourself and for that reason, this individual should not be treated as another number in your online business. As such, the manner in which you phrase your subject line, email body, and the frequency of your pitches all play a vital role in procuring potential sales for your online business.

The subject line should grab your prospect’s attention. Make it short and curious. Include a big promise but do not overhype. Its purpose is to get them to open the email. The email body should be concise, coherent, and appealing to the prospect’s needs. It should instill curiosity as the main purpose of your email advertising campaign is to get the subscriber to click on your link.

You probably know that your customers are not exclusively yours. They have probably opted-in on other marketer’s lists too. To stand out from the competition, it is necessary to provide value to your prospects. As emails are the widely utilized tool of communication in the online marketing industry, they should therefore be predominantly geared towards value provision as opposed to making sales pitches.

A mellow pitch is acceptable but pressurizing your prospect into buying your product by making frequent pitches will inadvertently cause them to be unresponsive to your email advertisements. Remember that each email you send should contain a link to your webpage that provides the service. That way, they’ll send traffic to your site which will give them further insight into the product. That’s why the emails you send should be short but intriguing enough to get them to investigate further.

Profitable Email Autoresponder

A concept that you must utilize to create dynamite email sequences is “positive expectancy”. This refers to the act of showing your subscribers that getting the results they want is possible. The ultimate strategy for cultivating this positive expectancy is through the Results in Advance (RIA) strategy.

When they can see themselves actually achieving the result as a direct consequence of what you just showed them through your email advertisement, they will be increasingly susceptible to purchasing your product. It sounds simple enough, but how exactly do you do it to create the desired effect?

The best way is to draw a timeline listing the major milestones that your ideal prospect will have to go through to achieve his goal. For this, you have to think from the prospect’s perspective. Think of what I’ve been doing with you right now through these articles.

I’ve been drawing up a timeline for you that refers specifically to achieving online marketing success. This timeline consists of finding your market, creating the product, building the website, getting traffic, and building the email list. When you help the prospect achieve the first milestone, it creates a sense of positive expectancy in your product.

It also gives them the confidence that they too can achieve their goals by utilizing your product. The closer you move your prospect towards their end result, the more they want to buy from you. If you pre-plan the entire procedure for your prospect and you deliver that to your list on a timely basis, then you are on the right track towards setting up a successful online business.

A subset of the Results in Advance strategy is the Content-Content-Pitch- Content (CCPC) method. It works by tapping into the positive expectancy concept mentioned before. With every piece of content you provide, you should make a subtle pitch.

A typical composition of the first email should be 80% content and 20% pitch. Your pitch has to be friendly and appealing without appearing to pressure your prospect into purchasing your product. But you also want your subscribers to stay interested. Therefore, it’s important to send emails to your lists every couple of days.

In the world of internet marketing, there are so many offers and marketers vying for the attention of the prospect. However, implementing the CCPC method will set you apart from the competition, as the subscriber will genuinely feel that they can benefit by purchasing your product because of the value provided in the email content.

The Boomerang Campaign

Boomerang Campaign

Now finally, the last part of this article covers the concept of the Boomerang Campaign. Referred to as the most effective online marketing campaign for generating substantial profits, the Boomerang Campaign is an advanced marketing technique, when implemented into your email sequence will generate sizeable profits for your online business.

The Boomerang Campaign consists of a total of 4 video-blog posts. The first 3 videos should consist of pure content with no pitching whatsoever. But the 4th video consists of a goodwill pitch. If everything is executed properly, by the time the subscriber watches the 4th video, they will be inclined to purchase your product.

But the fundamental requirement for the success of this campaign is to find something that is important to your marketplace and show your target customers that it is possible for them to accomplish their goals. Through the first video of the Boomerang Campaign, you should provide them with material that will improve their lives and help them fulfill their desires.

After you release the first video to your email list, your subscribers will inherently leave comments on the blog because you have genuinely helped them. The social proof spontaneously generated by your subscribers also doubles up as a marketing tool that showcases the genuineness and effectiveness of your offer.

The second and third videos are similar to the first one. But the fourth video takes the utmost precedence because it is through this video that you will be generating sales. A powerful subject line such as ‘I need your help, will capitalize on the prospect’s feeling to reciprocate your actions. A sample email body is as follows:

I would like to thank you and everybody else for the kind emails and the nice comments for the blog videos that I have been giving you this past week. It was my pleasure to make them for you and I am sure you would do the same for me. I have a product and I would really like your feedback on it before I release it to the rest of the world. I would like you to check out the product for about a month and give me feedback. If you like it, I will bill you the amount next month. If you do not like it, I won’t bill you at all. Thanks again.

Since you have provided value to your customer, they will naturally take up your offer. Additionally, the limited availability of the product makes them feel special. If you have any concerns about non-payment by subscribers, here is a fact for you. The Boomerang Campaign has an average conversion rate of 70%, about 3.5 folds the average in the internet marketing industry. The exceptionally high conversion rate is a consequence of targeting the innate human nature of reciprocity.

Just to recap, an autoresponder is important because it establishes consistency and trust with your audience. When looking for software to use, make sure you check out Get Response. At the very least the free trial will deliver all the things you need to set up your autoresponder efficiently. When creating your emails, make sure they’re short, valuable, and provide a brief insight into your service so that it intrigues the potential customer. Finally, the Boomerang Campaign is one of the most beneficial types of marketing campaigns you can utilize to boost your success.

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