বিসিএস প্রিলিমিনারি প্রস্তুতি সংক্ষিপ্ত মডেল টেস্ট পর্ব ৩ (বিষয়: English Language & Literature)


English Language & Literature BCS Short Model Test 01

1 / 10

“There was a small reception following the wedding”. The ward following in the sentence above is a/an …..

2 / 10

Complete the following sentence: “Had I know you were waiting outside, I …

3 / 10

“Gitanjali” of Rabindranath Tagore was translate by-

4 / 10

“To do away with” means ……….

5 / 10

“A Passage to India” is written by ……….

6 / 10

Credit Tk. 5000 ……….. my account 

7 / 10

“A Christmas Carol” is a – by Charles Dickens.

8 / 10

Identify the correct Sentence?

9 / 10

লেফটেন্যান্ট শব্দের সঠিক ইংরেজি বানান কোনটি?

10 / 10

Venerate Means-

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English Language & Literature BCS Short Model Test 02

1 / 10

Which one is the incorrect spelling?

2 / 10

Lyrical Ballads was published in ……….

3 / 10

The feminine of “ram” is……

4 / 10

He is ……….. heir of the property.

5 / 10

………. Big book on ………. Table is for my history class.

6 / 10

I am tired …………… walking

7 / 10

The antonym of the word ‘Belittle’ is ……

8 / 10

Which is the correct sentence?

9 / 10

A speech full of too many words is…

10 / 10

Which one is noun?

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